What do Cubs do?

Cub Scouts  are aged 9 to 11 and typically meet once a week during school terms. At  meetings they play team games and learn Scouting skills like hiking, camping, knots, first aid, cooking and more.The real adventure is in the outdoors – hill walks up mountains, treasure hunts, one, two or three night camps, litter-picking, parading on Saint Patrick’s Day, hostel trips, and sometimes overseas trips.

Cub Activities

Our Cub Packs are very active and are always up to something. They normally go on camps 3-4 times a year and some day trips besides. 

They will also go on a Pack Holiday annually, usually about a week in length.

In between their camps, Cubs will do activities down in the hall, go on hikes, participate in events with the wider Group and much more. You can typically expect a Cub activity every 6 weeks

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